Whether you’ve been injured in a car accident, a work-related accident, or some other traumatic accident, it’s understandable to want justice from the negligent party who was responsible for causing your injuries. You’re probably experiencing a surge of medical expenses. You could also be dealing with a loss of earning ability from being out of work.
When you go to make a legal claim for compensation, your settlement value will be calculated based on compensatory damages you’ve suffered. A Lakeland personal injury lawyer from Lopez & Humphries, PA can investigate your accident as well as your injuries to determine how much the liable party should pay you.
Calculating Your Claim Value
Compensatory damages in your claim will be divided into two categories: economic and non-economic damages. Economic damages are losses you’ve experienced financially from your accident and your subsequent injuries. There are various economic damages that can be taken into consideration in your case, but some of the most common are medical expenses, property damage, and loss of earning ability.
Non-economic damages are ways in which the accident has affected your overall lifestyle. Your personal injury attorney will be a key resource in making sure non-economic damages are calculated into your claim value, because often, these losses can be overlooked. Non-economic damages can include things such as emotional distress, loss of consortium, and pain and suffering.
Reach Out to a Lakeland Personal Injury Attorney
It’s important to understand how damages work when approaching the legal system with your claim, because these damages are how you’ll obtain the most compensation in your lawsuit. At Lopez & Humphries, PA, our lawyers will work to ensure that you understand the legal process. We can negotiate on your behalf so that, when your case is over, you feel confident and satisfied with the outcome.
If you’re ready to speak with a Lakeland personal injury lawyer about your claim, you can call (863) 774-3573 for a free consultation or fill out the contact form below.