Are you seeking compensation after your rideshare accident? Reach out to one of our Brandon rideshare accident attorneys to discover your options.
Rideshare services may dominate the public transportation industry, but they’re not perfect. Yes, you can travel around Brandon at relatively cheap fares, but are you aware of who is driving your rideshare vehicle?
What if a rideshare vehicle causes you to experience a car accident as a passenger or other driver? Who is responsible for your damages under Florida’s no-fault insurance policy?
Although these services may seem like consumer-friendly alternatives to traditional public transportation, you may need the assistance of a Brandon rideshare accident lawyer to obtain compensation after your Brandon car accident.
Who Are Brandon Rideshare Drivers?
Your rideshare driver could be your co-worker, friend, or even your next door neighbor. Because rideshare services often have low standards when hiring drivers, it’s not uncommon to see a variety of untrained drivers behind the wheel.
On a service level, this may seem like an excellent opportunity to create a various amount of jobs for the Brandon community, but it’s also reasonably dangerous for passengers. For example, most rideshare services require only that its drivers pass a lax background check and have a functioning car.
Naturally, this has led to various incidents in which many rideshare accidents were the result of reckless driving, distracted driving, or other avoidable actions. Passengers are also at risk of entering into the car of a dangerous individual each time they use a rideshare service.
Reports of robbery, kidnapping, and even sexual assault are sadly becoming more common with rideshare services. Because rideshare services don’t properly inspect the background and skill level of ots drivers, you’re always at risk when entering into the vehicle of a driver.
Who Is Responsible for Your Brandon Rideshare Accident?
Because most rideshare companies consider their drivers to be independent contractors, it’s easier for them to deny responsibility for your damages. Combine this aspect with Florida’s no-fault insurance policy, and filing an auto accident claim against a rideshare company becomes a frustratingly confusing process.
If you’re a passenger involved in a rideshare accident because of a negligent driver, you can receive compensation from the $1 million policy offered by rideshare companies. However, if you’re a driver whose accident was the result of a rideshare driver, Florida’s no-fault insurance will force you to file a claim with your insurance company first.
But, what if the compensation from your insurance company isn’t enough to cover your damages? Because the amount of possible compensation can change depending on whether a rideshare driver is currently on the clock, determining the value of your losses can be frustrating. For this reason, reaching out to a Brandon rideshare accident attorney can help you obtain fair compensation for your damages.
Recovering Damages After Your Brandon Rideshare Accident
There are a variety of damages you can recover after experiencing an auto accident. Lost wages, property damage, medical bills, along with pain and suffering are a few examples of potential losses you can experience after your accident.
Naturally, these damages can negatively impact your way of life and make it difficult for you to move on from your auto accident. However, by gathering evidence and filing your auto accident claim, you can recover from this traumatic experience without added financial strain.
Consult a Brandon Rideshare Accident Attorney
It’s natural to feel overwhelmed by the aftermath of your rideshare accident. Not only are you dealing with injuries and losses, but some rideshare companies can make it difficult to recover compensation. Lopez & Humphries, PA can help you fight for your compensation.
Speaking with a Brandon rideshare accident lawyer from us can help you recover fair compensation. You can contact us at (863) 774-3573 or fill out the online contact form at the bottom of this page.